(Pics to come when Blogger stops acting up)
Whew....what a whirlwind of the last couple weeks. We spent the holiday season in Michigan with my family (with a quick layover in Denver to see the Emmons'). It was so nice to be home and REALLY relax. We had snow for Christmas, which is all I ever wish for. As always, when I fly, my flights never go as scheduled (Chris is an unfortunate accomplice in my bad luck). Our flight home was delayed for hours, putting us home in El Paso at 2 am. Even with all the snow here, and the short work week, I feel like we are still catching up at home (yes, we had almost five inches of snow in our yard in El Paso, Texas). Because of this, we had lots of errands to run this weekend. We got up early Saturday morning and went to have the Camry serviced (this is not part of the date night - but Chris did buy me a mocha to soften the blow of waking up at 7:30 am on a Saturday). After that, we ran to Under Armour so Chris could redeem a gift certificate he got over the holidays. Then, with all the snow, we decided to drive up through McKelligon Canyon. It was freezing, but really pretty. From there, we headed back home for a movie marathon on the living room floor (it ended up turning into a three hour nap - much needed!). We tore through Netflix like no one's business. Finally, we got up, got ourselves together and headed to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and to catch the end of the football game (MSU men were playing too - BONUS!). Since the game ended up being a blow out, we headed home, set up the hookah and had an awesome night in....with more movies!
As I get older, I realize more and more about myself and feel less and less of a need to change myself (i.e. if 25 years of life hasn't made me a morning person yet, it's just not in the cards for me). I prefer being a homebody. I love Sundays when I don't have to change out of my pajamas, I enjoy getting into bed a little early just to read. I like quiet and I cherish nothingness. Chris, on the other hand, enjoys socializing with friends. He likes to be out, doing things. So far, our date nights have seemed to be a pretty good mix of the two.
Since Chris had the last date before Christmas, and this past date, I have agreed to double up for the next two weeks. And, yes, they are already planned :)
Happy 2013 everyone! May you drop weight, bad habits, negativity, debt, bad relationships, guilt, or whatever your resolution was!